There are currently 15 members on the Board of Directors. Each member is elected to a two-year term.
Skills Necessary
Organizational, and planning skills. A willingness to interact with people at all levels including merchants on the 400 Block of Main street, vendors, patrons, etc.
The Board meets each month for two hours. Additional committee assignments may average between 1 to 2 hours per month. Please contact us if you would be interested in working with a lively, fun group of people who have Pendleton's greater interests at heart.
PFM Members receive 10% off on PFM merchandise!
Get a New Member Thank You Gift when you purchase your membership!
Gifts are unique each season. Ask PFM about this season’s gift.
Stay up to date on PFM happenings! We’ll send out the occasional email to keep you in the loop on the farmer’s market.
You are part of PFM! All members are invited to the annual meeting, with food, prizes, and input on the future of the Farmers Market.
Membership is valid for the season it’s purchased in. Renew every year!
Click here to BECOME A MEMBER